
Memos & Announcements

Unleash your entrepreneurial spirit at Startup Spark 2024!

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Memos & Announcements

End of Second Semester Examination Schedules | 2023-2024

SCHOOLS’ EXAMINATION POLICIES Dear Students, Please take note of the examination policy outlined below: Attendance: You are expected to attend all exams unless you have …

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Memos & Announcements

Quarter 3 Reports Released 2023/2024

Dear Parent The Report Cards of Quarter 3 has been released. You may access the report cards via the online portal Please note also …

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Memos & Announcements

Grade 10 – IGCSE Mock Exams

Dear parent or guardian,  We are writing to inform you that all students in grade 10 will be completing their IGCSE Mock exams across a …

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Memos & Announcements

Letter to Parents of Grade 12 Students | SAAT Preparation

Dear parents of G12 learners at Al-Rowad International Schools (AIS), Assalaam alaikom wa rahmatullaah wa barakatoho. We write you to provide an important update on …

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Memos & Announcements

First Benchmark Assessment for Grades 3-8

28th November 2023 Assalamu ‘Alaikum Dear Respected Parent/Guardian, As part of our continuous improvement process, AIS Management has scheduled the First Benchmark Assessment for Grades …

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Al-Rowad International Schools