Who we are?

Our Profile in Brief

Al-Rowad International Schools was established at the beginning of the academic year 1420/1421 AH (1999/2000) in Riyadh by Shaikh Abdullah bin Ibrahim Al-Khalaf.

Al-Rowad International Schools is located in Riyadh, the capital city of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Riyadh exhibits outstanding and modern architectural work that can compete worldwide. The city includes broad and spacious highways that sweep through the city that overlap each other in an impressive road network. Trees decorate the broad streets and avenues, providing phenomenal aesthetics and amusing to the eye. The city extends to 600 square miles (1600 square kilometers) and has a population of more than 4.7 million. The name Riyadh derives from the Arabic word meaning a place of gardens and trees (“rawdah”). With many wadis (a former water course, now dry) in the vicinity, Riyadh has been a fertile area set in the heartland of the Arabian Peninsula since antiquity.”


Children who are in Kindergarten and the first three grades are privileged to be assigned a homeroom teacher, in which all the core subjects are taught. Throughout our outstanding teaching system, students will be fully equipped and prepared to complete international exams such as the British and/or American IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) and SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test). The IGCSE is a two-year program, offered to students that are between fourteen and sixteen years old. These exams are set to ensure students obtain seats in the most reputable international and local universities. Throughout grades 3 to 11, extra support classes such as english, mathematics, science and arabic (AS level) will be offered on Saturday mornings.


Our school also provides students with the ability to participate in evening activities. Our facility is designed to accept a high capacity of students. There are 300 classrooms that can accommodate 6000 students, which includes 160 toilets, 156 parking lots, 8 scientific laboratories that are equipped with the latest technology, 12 Networked Computer Labs (ICT) suites, 4 libraries, and a clinic with a certified pediatrician at all times. In addition to that, our school also has sporting facilities such as a soccer field, basketball, tennis, swimming pool, and 2 gymnasiums. Students of all ages are encouraged to participate in these activities and invite their siblings to join. On site, there are supervisors for each activity, which are qualified teachers and trainers. Individuals with outstanding performance are awarded prizes to encourage studnet’s participation and engagement.

  • Each school year consists of three semesters. These semesters consist of 14 weeks of instructional teaching and exams. Each school day, students will be exposed to 8 classes of 40 minutes each, having a total of 5 hours and 20 minutes of daily teaching and class time. The sum of these class times equals 480 hours each semester or equivalent to 91 days. For a full year class load, students will have a total of 960 hours of teaching per year. Usually classes start at 7:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.


International involvement: 

With our ability to maintain outstanding performance, Al-Rawdah International School had the ability to participate internationally in the “The First Forum for the International Schools in Gulf Cooperation Council Countries” which occurred in Dubai – United Arab Emirates. This event took place between the 10th to12th April of 2006.

Academic achievements: 

With our exceptional studnet’s performance, AIS has achieved excellent results in the IGCSE in 2011. This was obtained by just over 86% of male students scoring from A+ to C and nearly 37% of all students scored A+. In June 2010, 92.51% male students scored A+ to C. On the other hand,  almost 93% of female students scored from A* to C in June 2011. The overall number of students achieving grades A* – C has increased, in which the proportion of students achieving these grades in June 2010 is 83.72%; in June 2011 the proportion was 90%.

Higher Education

A common trend displayed in our school of graduate students of being admitted to various universities is observed. This can be conveyed by having a ratio of 100% university acceptance rate seen in last year’s graduates alone. 91 students graduated last year and they were all able to be admitted into international and local universities. 


Due to the high number of students’ exponential achievement in the IGCSE program, which seems to increase every year, our school decided to introduce a scholarship program. This program is provided for students who achieve high grades with an outstanding academic record. In addition to that our school is responsible for providing textbook supplies that are in new or good condition. Our main strength is in providing students with the opportunity for continuous development, which can be exhibited through improving student’s learning capabilities. Our campus environment provides students with adequate facilities to facilitate their learning process and needs.

Code Of Conduct

  • It is our duty at AIS to ensure that every student has the opportunity to have a healthy social and educational experience. Our Code of Conduct is designed to support and maintain our educational standards, thus, must be respected by every staff, student, and parents.

All students are required to attend morning assemblies, teaching periods, praying times, and other school activities. For students to be dismissed from the mandatory activities, he/she would be required to have a valid excuse from their parents to the school’s administration team. In case of an event where a student is not able to attend school, parents are required to immediately contact the school’s administration team via phone call. It is recommended that parents contact the school’s administration around 6:30 A.M to 9 A.M. If parents or guardians are not able to conduct a phone call, a written letter that is signed by the parents must be present with the child, explaining the reason for absence upon returning to class on the next teaching day. In case your child was not attending school on a certain day, it is the observer duty to carry out daily check ups on your child’s attendance after 8:00 A.M. If the school does not receive any call from the parents, the child will instantly be recorded as absent and an SMS will be directly sent to the parent’s phone.


The school day usually starts at 6:30 A.M, with the morning assembly. If students mess this time and arrive after this time, they will be marked and registered as late. In case of students being late, parents are required to inform the school beforehand prior to 6:45 A.M on the expected time of arrival to avoid being registered as late. Being registered as late has a penalty which can lead to mark deduction on certain classes. 

The morning assembly is part of the school curriculum and every student is required to attend them and participate in a morning physical activity exercise. Failure to attend the assemblies can lead to disciplinary action. 

All students must depart the school premise at 1:05 P.M. to catch the school’s transportation bus or at 1:10 P.M for their private transportation.

All students should depart the school’s premise no later than 2:15 P.M., the school after this time holds no liability. In addition to that, to discourage late pick ups by parents and early arrival, a fee of 800 SAR per semester will be applied in such contexts. 



If the child’s parents need to take their child early from school, before the school day ends. The parents are required to inform the school’s secretary of Student Counsellors prior to this action. This can be done by parents submitting a written statement indicating the reason for early student departure. Students will not be allowed to leave the school’s premise for any reason including being sick, without the school’s management being contacted by the student’s parents. It is highly recommended that parents book their child’s medical appointment prior to classes and assigned homeworks to avoid early departure and students missing out on their school work.

  • The student counsellor is  mainly responsible for ensuring and maintaining high standards in morality, sociability, culturally, and academic development in our school. In addition to that he/she is also responsible for ensuring that attendance, punctuality and school material are being applied systematically. It is also the duty of a student counselor to assess exams and provide strategies that can improve student’s weaknesses in a certain area of study.  


Disciplinary Policy

  • It is mandatory for each AIS staff to be regularly orientated and informed about the school’s disciplinary policy. The main themes of these policies are empathy, friendliness and fairness, to ensure that a just conduct is provided. The Disciplinary Committee follows guidance from the disciplinary policies to enforce the AIS  Code of Conduct.


A verbal warning given to a student by his/her teacher must be recorded and dated on the student’s behaviour record.


If a student fails to abide or follow the class rules, he/she will be asked to leave the classroom and moved by the Student Counsellor to a different area to complete written work. Such action will lead students to his actions recorded on the child’ behaviour record.


Students are provided with four expulsion from class periods, in which if they still exhibit improper behaviour inside or outside the classroom, they will be subjected to detention, which can last for a maximum of 45 minutes. Student’s parents will be informed about the detention one day prior to the conduct, in order to arrange transportation for their child

  • The student’s parent will be asked to meet with his/her child’s classroom tutor in the presence of the school administration to discuss the student’s behaviour and overall performance. The main purpose of this conference is to ensure that both parties are aware of any special circumstances the student may be experiencing. Then a plan of action will be implemented to help the student cope and adjust with the problem.


A written warning is one of the most serious Disciplinary probation, in which the student will be suspended from school for up to 5 days. In this period students will be responsible for any missed school work during the time of suspension. 


If students consistently fail to adjust their negative behaviours, the school’s administration office has the right to permanently suspend the students, with no obligations for any refunds. 


Academic Honesty Policy

  • We expect all of our students to be honest. When you are admitted to the AIS, you accept to adhere to the AIS Academic Honesty Policy and you understand that failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary actions. You also have an ethical obligation to report violations of the AIS Academic Honesty Policy you may witness. Any of the following acts is in violation of the AIS Academic Honesty Policies:


Cheating is considered when a student uses unprohibited material or methods to earn credits, which can be achieved through copying other peer’s homework or test results, allowing peers to copy your results, or submitting work that was not completed by students, these will all result in strict penalties.


Submitting or presenting projects or tests that contain the works of other people and not your own will result in plagiarism. This should not disencourage students to use other people’s work, rather reference these resources to build upon your own work, idealism and data. Acknowledging these resources in your work, will make your work more systemic and academic, thus making your work completely acceptable and not plagiarized. 


Any attempts of bribery conducted by an individual to achieve an academic credit will be penalized by suspension and failure of a course, since it is completely prohibited in AIS approved remedial classes.

  • Any form of academic dishonesty such as planning or acting conducted by an individual or a group to gain an academic advantage is prohibited and will lead to severe consequences.


Any fabrication of research findings and experimental data with the intention to gain academic advantage through deception is prohibited and will lead to academic consequences.


The act of collaborating with another person to complete a student’s responsibilities is prohibited, since students are individually responsible for completing their tasks. Excessive collaboration between group members that does not abide by the teacher’s provided guidelines is also prohibited.


Actions such as stealing, buying, selling, downloading, distributing or otherwise obtaining all or part of a test and/or test answers or assignment is an academic misconduct, which violates the AIS policies and is subjective to academic consequences. 


The act of interfering with the teaching/learning process, including chatting in the classroom or disrespecting the rights of others or their opportunity to learn, or bringing in cell phones.

Discipline Guidelines

  • The purpose of the AIS discipline policy is to ensure that both students and staff members feel safe and secure in an environment that promotes productive learning.


The Disciplinary Committee consists of seven members: Deputy Principal as Head of Discipline Committee, Students’ Counsellors of Lower and Higher Grades, two heads of departments, and two teachers from different departments. The responsibilities of the Disciplinary Committee include:

  • Detecting and examining behavioural problems among students.
  • Meeting with misbehaving students and clarifying the negative affects of bad behaviour on their life.
  • Promoting good behaviour among students and rewarding those with good conduct.
  • Promoting the Islamic moral values.
  • Taking suitable action towards students’ misconduct.
  • It is forbidden to allow student’s into the classroom without them wearing the assigned school uniform.
  • Tight, colored, and recreational clothes are also not allowed. Swimming trousers must be long to cover the knees.
  • Students will not be allowed to enter their classrooms if they have not attended the morning assembly.
  • Students must have their bags during the assembly and it is prohibited for students to consume any food inside the classroom.
  • The teachers who cover the classes prior to the break, will be the teachers to accompany the students into the Salah.
  • The Salah should be conducted properly and students should worship Allah in the best manner as we have been instructed and ordered by the Holy Quran and Sunnah.
  •   It is forbidden to students to have a haircut that goes against our islamic beliefs.
  • The recommended haircut is characterized by having short and equal length at all sides.
  • It is also forbidden for students to bring an electronic device such as cellular phones into the school’s premise.
  • For urgent calls, the school’s administration will provide phone calls for students to contact their parents.
  • Students are only allowed to purchase from the canteen during breaks.
  • Students are not allowed to leave the classroom without any permission from their teachers.
  • After breaks, Sakah students must directly head to their classrooms.
  • When students are transitioning from one area to the other, for example going to the Science Lab Salah or P.E periods, they are required to line up quietly and in a proper manner by following the teachers instructions.
  • In case where a teacher is absent or has not arrived in class on time, the students should stay put in their classroom and the class perfect should inform the Student Counsellor about the teacher’s absence. If students have a free period, that does not allow them to leave the classroom and head to the playground.
  • A substitute teacher will take over that class period. Resting, napping and sleeping are all not allowed in the classroom.
  • Students are required to participate in the morning assembly and must participate in the morning physical activity routine.
  • Students must bring all their required books, copybooks and pencil cases according to their assigned timetable.
  •  Homework must be completed prior to the assigned deadline.
  • Students are not allowed to touch or keep harmful or dangerous objects.
  • Throwing objects around school or the classroom are not allowed.
  • Students are not allowed to bully their peers, which can include not teasing, calling names, swearing, rough play, fighting, threatening, or harassing. Students are also not allowed to conduct theft or vandalism.
  • They should use polite words with a respectful tone of voice.
  • Chewing gum is prohibited at all times, and school hygiene is essential at all times, thus, no literating or throwing garbage in the wrong places are not permitted.
  • The environment should always be clean. 
  • It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they arrive to the classroom on time, with all their necessary equipment prepared. 
  • Listening to the teachers and other students, without interrupting them. 
  • Assignments are all completed on time. 
  • Treating teachers and students with respect is important.
  • No eating or drinking is allowed in class, with the exception of water. 
  • Hands and feet should be proximal to the body and not on another student’s area. 
  • School property must not be vandalised which includes drawing on the tables or walls.
  • Other individual’s properties should also be left untouched.
  • Act and behavior in a cautious and responsible manner.
  • Resting, napping or sleeping is not allowed inside of a classroom.
    • Sit properly in the Musallah.
    • Keep quiet, respect the Musallah and Salah.
    • Move in an orderly manner to and from Musallah with your teacher.
    • Don’t talk; listen carefully to the speech after the prayer.
    • Don’t forget to say the prayer’s supplications.

Our school encourages all students and staff members to adhere to the Islamic dress code. This includes boys having their pants worn properly by being pulled up, to ensure that the pants are not dragging on the ground. Boys are prohibited from wearing jewelry or chains in addition to that any undershirt must be tucked in properly. Wearing short trousers are prohibited and wearing clothes that display obscene messages such as drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol use or statements are not permitted.

Consequences for Violating the Dress Code:

  • 1st Offence: Students will wait in the office for their parents, who are required to bring them the appropriate clothing.
  • 2nd Offence:  Students will wait in the office for their parents, who are required to bring them the appropriate clothing. In addition to receiving a written warning.
  • 3rd Offence:  Students will wait in the office for their parents, who are required to bring them the appropriate clothing. In addition to that students will be suspended for at least one day.
  • 1st Offence: Student will wait in the office and parent will be notified to bring a change of clothes.
  • 2nd Offence: Student will wait in the office and parent will be notified to bring a change of clothes. Student will receive a written warning.
  • 3rd Offence: Student will wait in the office and parent will be notified to bring a change of clothes. The student will be suspended for at least one day.
  • Say the Dua’ (supplication) for entering the toilet.
  • Sit down when you relieve yourself.
  • Use water for cleaning.
  • Leave the toilet clean and wash the seat when you finish.
  • Say the Dua (supplication) for leaving the toilet.
  • Make the Wudhu’ (ablution) according to the prophetic Sunnah.
  • Don’t waste water.
  • Mobile phones are always prohibited within the school premises.
  • Parents should advise and discourage their children from bringing phones to school.
  • If a student is seen using a mobile phone, for any reason, the phone will be confiscated from the student and only returned to the parents.
  • As a general rule, mobile phones are prohibited in the school premise and students are only allowed to refer to the Student Counsellor to request a communication method, with a short and concise phone call.

A lost and found property box is located near the Student Counsellor’s office. If a student finds something, he/she is required to put it in the box. Then the Student Counsellor will be responsible for conducting an announcement to inform students about their missing properties. 


Penalty List

  • Below are the schools penalties against violations up to the 4th incident. When a student repeats violation for more than 4 times, the school administration has the right to refer him to the Disciplinary Committee to take the appropriate procedures.

Type of Violation1st Time2nd Time3rd Time4th Time
School uniformVerbal notificationWritten undertakingRetuning student homeSuspension for 5 days
Disruption during classVerbal notificationWritten undertakingLetter to parent + suspension for one dayUndertaking by parent + suspension from 3-5 days
Entering or leaving class without permissionVerbal warningWritten undertaking with copy to parentSuspension for 1 daySuspension from 3-5 days
Bringing mobile phonesWritten warning & confiscation of mobile for 1 daysConfiscation of mobile for 3 days and written undertakingConfiscation of mobile for one week and a letter to parentConfiscation of mobile until end of semester
Disturbing and/or non-participating in the Morning AssemblyVerbal notificationWritten undertaking & deprivation from one P.E. periodDeprivation from P.E for 1 weekDeprivation from P.E for 2 weeks
Break away from the classWritten warning & a letter to parentDeprivation from breaks, detention for half day & a letter to parentLast warning, Suspension for 1 day & informing parentsuspension from one to three days & a letter to parent
  • Type of ViolationIn the 1st TimeIn the 2nd TimeIn the 3rd TimeIn the 4th Time
    Negligence in performing SalahFor its great importance in our religion, Salah has special instructions (as attached)
    Break away from the schoolVerbal warning & Written undertaking & a letter to parentSuspension for one day & a letter to parentsuspension from one to three days & Final warning & Letter to parentsuspension from five to ten days & Undertaking by the parent & suspension until the parent arrives to school
    Creating disruption inside the schoolWritten undertakingSuspension & parent is to refer to schoolsuspension from one to three days & Final warningsuspension from four to ten days & Undertaking by the student
    Quarrelling and bullying with studentsWritten warning & a letter to parent & written undertakingSuspension & parent is to refer to schoolsuspension from three to five days & Undertaking by the parentFive-day suspension & two-day break off & Undertaking by the parent & warning of dismissal
    Bringing prohibited media stuffWritten warning & a letter to parent & written undertakingSuspension from three to five days & a written undertaken by the parentsuspension from four to ten days & Final warning of dismissalFinal decision of dismissal
    Writing on walls or causing damage to school property or misuse of computerscausing damage to school property or misuse of computers Suspension for one day & written undertaking & a letter to parentFixing the damaged property & suspensionFixing the damaged property & one day suspensionOne-week suspension & final warning of dismissal
  • Type of Violation1st Timethe 2nd Time3rd Time4th Time
    Damaging the school machines deliberatelyOne-day suspension & fixing the damaged property & a letter to parentThree-day suspension & fixing the damaged property & a letter to parentsuspension from four to ten days & fixing the damaged property & a letter to parent & & final warning of dismissalFinal decision of dismissal
    Bringing dangerous objectsOne-day suspension & a letter to parent & Written undertakingSuspension from one to three days & a letter to parent & Written undertakingsuspension from four to ten days & final warning of dismissalFinal decision of dismissal
    Uttering nasty wordsOne-day detention & a letter to parent & Written warningDeprivation from breaks for one day & detention for day & a letter to parentsuspension from one to three days & warning of final decision of dismissalsuspension from three to five days & warning of final decision of dismissal
    Offering prohibited objectsOne-day suspension & a letter to parent & Written undertakingSuspension from three to five days & a letter to parent & Written warningsuspension from six to ten days & a letter to parent & Written warningFinal decision of dismissal
    Robbery & misusing property of othersRetrieving the property robbed or compensating the damage & a letter to parent & written warningRetrieving the property robbed or compensating the damage & a letter to parent & written warningRetrieving the property robbed or compensating the damage & a letter to parent & one-day suspensionRetrieving the robbed property or compensating the damage & a letter to parent & three-day suspension & warning of final decision of dismissal
    • Type of Violation1st Time2nd Time3rd Time4th Time
      Misbehaving against to a school staff member verbally or by gestureOne-day suspension & a letter to parent & Written undertakingThree-day suspension & a letter to parent & Written warningOne-week suspension & a letter to parent & & final warning of dismissalFinal decision of dismissal
      Distributing prohibited or illegal mediaTrashing the prohibited objects & one-day suspension & a letter to parentTrashing the prohibited objects & three-day suspension & a letter to parentTrashing the prohibited objects & One-week suspension & a letter to parent & Final decision of dismissalFinal decision of dismissal
      Purposely attacking or bullying a student inside or outside the premises and/or forming gangs for fightingOne-day detention for all the students involved & a letter to parent & Written warningTwo-day detention for all the students involved & Written undertaking & a letter to parentThree-day suspension for all the students involved & written undertaking & a letter to parentOne-week suspension for all the students involved & written undertaking & a letter to parent
      Threatening one of the school staff membersOne-day suspension & Apologizing to the staff member & a letter to parentThree-day suspension & Apologizing to the staff member & a letter to parentOne-week suspension & Apologizing to the staff member & a letter to parent & final warning of dismissalFinal decision of dismissal
      Playing with dangerous materialsOne-day suspension & a letter to parent & Written undertakingThree-day suspension & warning of final decision of dismissal & a letter to parentFinal decision of dismissalFinal decision of dismissal

Type of Violation1st Time2nd Time3rd TimeShowing contempt against the rituals and of IslamThree-day suspension & a letter to parent & Written warningOne-week suspension & a letter to parent & Final written warning letterFinal decision of dismissalAggression against a school staff memberThree-day suspension & a letter to parent & Written warning & Written undertakingOne-week suspension & a letter to parent & Final written warning letterFinal decision of dismissalPossessing and using weaponsThree-day suspension & reporting to authorities & a letter to parentOne-week suspension & reporting to authorities & Final written warning letter & a letter to parentFinal decision of dismissalForging official papers and stampsOne-day suspension & a letter to parent & Written undertakingThree-day suspension & warning of final decision of dismissal & a letter to parentFinal decision of dismissal

Al-Rowad International Schools