Welcome back to School Campus
Lower Grades Boys
Dear respected parents
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah
Alhamdulillah, as of this Sunday, 23/1/2022, our students will be welcome back to face-to-face learning.
AIS Administration would like to draw your attention to these essential rules pertaining to physical schooling:
- Accessing and departing school premises is through Gate 7;
- The first period starts at 7:30. Therefore, your child MUST arrive earlier. The dismissal time is 12:50 pm.
- Students must adhere to the school uniform. During PE sessions, students wear the PE uniform (black trousers with a white t-shirt). No personal sports items are allowed into school. A disciplinary measure will be taken in case of violation.
- Unless there is an emergency and a request by the parent submitted to Gate 9, students cannot take leave after 11:00 am.
- Students must maintain a good hygiene including trimming the hair and nails.
- Each student must write down his names on all his belongings so they can be easily identified.
- No parents are allowed access into the facility.
- Drivers must adhere to the code of conduct and show common sense. Inappropriate air cuts, shorts smoking are not allowed in or nearby the school premises.
To ensure a safe return, please urge your child to:
- To bring in his own hygiene tools (tissue, hand sanitizer, face mask etc.). NB. Hand sanitizers are made available in the school corridors;
- To wear a face mask throughout the school day;
- To maintain a safe distance and not shake hands; and
- Not to exchange belongings.
Stay safe.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Mansour Alanzi, Principal of Lower Grades