Scholarship Alert: Rise

Do you know a brilliant 15-17 year old, from anywhere in the world, with great talents and potential? They could be passionate about art, science, community organizing—or any other discipline. If so, nominate them for Rise.

Rise is on a mission to find extraordinary young people and support them for life as they use their talents to build a better world. The program looks for brilliance, integrity, empathy, and perseverance—not just test scores or grades.

Starting today—November 16, 2020—young people between the ages of 15 and 17 can download the Hello World – Rise mobile app and apply to the program. Everyone who applies will join the Rise global community and have access to free online courses and opportunities around the world. In July 2021, Rise will announce 100 Global Winners and provide them with access to a lifetime of benefits as they work to serve others. Winners will attend a residential summit, receive need-based financial support for education and internships, and have access to funding to scale up their social impact throughout their careers.

You’ve been nominated for Rise! Click here to join.

For more information please don’t hesitate to contact Mr. Wajeeh Al Kailani (The Deputy Principal of American Diploma & SAT Exam Coordinator) at 0506795815.

Al-Rowad International Schools