Regarding the Code of Conduct

Girls Section 2021/2022

Dear Parents,

Assalamu alaikom

Kindly review the attached Student’s Code of Conduct and Discipline Guidelines and take the following into consideration:

  1. As instructed by the Ministry of Education, each unexcused day of absence has a penalty of ½ deduction. Please note that absence is taken through the last school day including the revision week.
  2. All students who received two vaccine doses are required to attend school in person, rather than online.
  3. All students attending in classes where the Staggered Groups policy is applied are required to adhere to the attendance plan. i.e. attend the specified day online. Online absence is considered a day of absence.
  4. No student is allowed into school premises in the day specified for her as an online attendance. Otherwise, the student will be considered absent.
  5. The specified online day may not be changed or exchanged.

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Al-Rowad International Schools