Project Base Learning – Science


September 2015


When engaged in standards-focused Project Based Learning (PBL), students are working individually and / or in teams to experience and explore relevant, real-world problems, questions, issues and challenges; then creating presentations and products to share what they have learned. The teacher’s role is one of coach, facilitator, guide, advisor, or mentor; it is not one of directing and managing all student work. Well-designed projects that meet PBL criteria differ from activities that have been traditional in the classroom.

In the project assigned at Al Rowad International School the students are given significant part of marks. This is the first time this is being done at AIS and the sole purpose of doing this is to make students learn by not depending only on their textbooks but researching their knowledge from other sources by themselves.

Please note this is to make the students look for material from other sources and the parents should not be doing the work for them

 The project could be presented in three ways

  • A research note on the given topic:

The research note could be hand written or computer typed. Should include pictures and information and material researched by the student. Should be presented in a neat orderly manner. The research work should contain at least 5 pages including the cover sheet

  • A power point presentation

The research work should include pictures, information and material researched by the student. Should be presented in a neat orderly manner. The research work should contain around 15 slides

  • Full size chart sheet (A0 Size) with pictures and information OR Model

The material could be typed, printed and pasted on the sheet. Should include pictures and information and should be clear and self explanatory without any dis-order. If a student chooses to make a model it is required to be nicely presented and should explain the concept of its surroundings and working

 The students can work in groups and / or individually and the teacher has already assigned the tasks accordingly. Every single student will be evaluated on the effort, work and product he has produced and will be given marks on the bases of his work

 The most important things students need to do in the project are:

 Neat and clean presentable material

  • Students research work
  • Adding pictures and research material
  • Submitting on time (Deadline is 30th Late submissions may cause mark deduction)


If you are still not sure about science project please drop me an email ([email protected]) with your inquiry and phone number and I’ll be more then happy to get back to you and explain

Al-Rowad International Schools