Accreditation and Recognition


AIS goes through an Accreditation process every five years. During the 2016-2017 school year, we will be going through the process of renewing our Accreditation with AdvancED.
The first step to the renewal process is to conduct a self-assessment by reviewing several elements of school operations.  We will review Student Performance, Stakeholder Feedback, and School Improvement Planning, AdvancED Assurances (Policies and Procedures), and assess our schools performance against the five AdvancED Standards of Quality:

Standard 1: Purpose and Direction

The school maintains and communicates a purpose and direction that commit to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning.

Standard 2: Governance and Leadership

The school operates under governance and leadership that promote and support student performance and school effectiveness.

Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning

The school’s curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning.

Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems

The school has resources and provides services that support its purpose and direction to ensure success for all students.

Standard 5: Using Results for Continuous Improvement

The school implements a comprehensive assessment system that generates a range of data about student learning and school effectiveness and uses the results to guide continuous improvement

This page includes the five Advanced Standards and evidence of compliance of those Standards, indicator by indicator, for Al Rowad International Schools.  For more information on AdvancED and Accreditation click on the following link for the AdvancED home site:


Al-Rowad International Schools