Grade 10 – IGCSE Mock Exams

Dear parent or guardian, 

We are writing to inform you that all students in grade 10 will be completing their IGCSE Mock exams across a number of subjects in January 2024.  The exams will start on Tuesday, January 16th, and run until Thursday, January 25th January, 2024.  A copy of the Mock Exam timetable will be shared on the school website (, and an SMS will be sent to your registered mobile number.

It is our duty to remind you that the mock exams are an ideal opportunity for students to experience the preparation and organization that will be required for the IGCSE period this year.  The results of these examinations will also allow teachers to gain a real understanding of where students are currently performing in relation to their IGCSE target grades.  In addition, these results will also inform the predicted grades given to the AIS Academic Council to provide further support and guidance.

It is extremely important that you encourage your son/daughter to take these mock exams seriously and undertake adequate revision before each exam.  It will be their only chance to practice being in full exam condition before their official exams begin in April 2024.  We will appreciate your full support, collaboration, and coordination in ensuring that your son/daughter understands the importance of these exams and the high level of commitment required throughout this period.  Resources to support revision can be discussed with each subject teacher.  Students are expected to bring their exam equipment with them.  They should have a clear pencil case with all stationery items such as pens, pencils, rulers, compasses, and an eraser. Students should also ensure that they have a scientific calculator, as this can be used in several exams, such as Mathematics, Science, and Business Studies.  

Furthermore, it should be made clear that students are not permitted to take study leave, so they are expected to attend school every day as normal – they will either be in mock examinations or attending crucial revision lessons.  In other words, if they are not sitting an exam, they should attend all their normal lessons, making sure that they bring revision materials and all other normal school equipment with them.  They must arrive at the school on or before 6:45 a.m. and should be ready to start their exams or lessons at the published start time.  

It is the responsibility of individual students to ensure that they understand all the information they have been given – any queries should be referred to Mr. Amanullah Haniffa ([email protected]) in the first instance.  If, for any reason, your child is unable to attend school during the examination period, please contact the respective Deputy Principal immediately to rearrange a time to sit for the exam.  For a complete breakdown of the mock exams’ updates, please refer to the following table:

Tasks Dates Point of Contact
Mock Exams 16/01/2024 to 25/01/2024 Deputy Principals, 

HoDs, and Teachers

Marked Papers Completion 31/01/2024 HoDs and Teachers
Mock Exams’ Analysis Completion 05/02/2024 HoDs and Teachers
Parent’s Letter 05/02/2024 School Administration
Parent’s Meeting 08/02/2024 Academic Team, Deputy Principals, 

HoDs, and Teachers

Past Revision 

(4×4: Walking & Talking Assessment)

Ongoing Deputy Principals, 

HoDs, and Teachers

We wish your son or daughter all the best during this period. If you have any questions, then please do get in touch. 

Best regards,

AIS Management

Al-Rowad International Schools