Girls’ Section- Upper Grades- Breast Cancer Event.

Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Seniors of 2016 decided to plan a breast cancer awareness campaign. It started off with an educational presentation about breast cancer, its early detection , symptoms, and treatments.
Then the girls presenting explained how to perform self- examination. It was followed by engaging & fun activities such as questions and games.
And lastly, the audience was offered free cupcakes, water bottles , lollipops , and cotton candy, displaying the pink campaign’s logo.
The Seniors wanted to make the audience aware about how serious breast cancer is and how important it is to self- examine, and to know how to take care of our bodies.
The seniors were organized into different groups , each responsible for a specific task. For example, one group was responsible for making the ribbons and the other was responsible for decorating the auditorium and so on.
The Principal Ms. Jalwa AlBarrak, Vice Principal Ms. Nawal, Academic Director. Ms. Fatimah Kharfan, administration, teachers, and fellow students (grades 10-11) attended the occasion that was held at the school’s auditorium.



Al-Rowad International Schools