GAT/SAAT Preparation


Dear parents of high school learners at Al-Rowad International Schools (AIS),

Assalaam alaikom wa rahmatullaah wa barakatoho.

At Al Rowad, we are committed to providing our students with the best support they can get to gain acceptance into the universities and colleges of their choice, in Saudi Arabia and around the world.

We believe the rigorous international curricula offered at Al Rowad gives learners a competitive edge when sitting entrance tests to universities, and beyond, in their university studies.

Alhamdulillah, we are proud of the achievements of our students in admissions tests, including Qudurat (GAT) and Tahseeli (SAAT). To help them to continue to achieve these high levels, please find below the system of structured support planned for the academic year 2023/ 2024:

  1. A dedicated senior leadership team has been appointed to oversee GAT/SAAT (Qudarat/ Tahseeli) preps.
  2. In the first 2 weeks of term, content covered in prior academic years will be revised during weekly lessons.
  3. During week 3, our learners will sit for a full paper to evaluate their current working grades.
  4. By week 4, a comprehensive intervention plan will be developed with remedial work and re-teaching.
  5. Teachers will train learners on exam-style questions in an ongoing manner, through homework, classwork, short assessments and assignments.
  6. Specialised counselling support will be made available to all learners, to aid in their university application processes.
  7. Learners will sit for trial assessments every 5 weeks (twice a term), to measure their progress against newly-acquired content, and to provide spaced revision and improve their ability to retrieve previously-taught content.

We cordially invite you to a live webinar on Wednesday, August 16, 17:00 – 18:00 via the following link: to further discuss these plans and address your questions.

We look forward to a successful start to another academic year.

Al-Rowad International Schools

High School Administration

Al-Rowad International Schools