End of Term Exam Guidelines 2020-2021

Dear Parents,

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..

For information regarding the length of all First Semester E-Exams, please visit the school website at www.ais.sch.sa, or click on this LINK to access the First Semester Final Examination Schedule 2020/2021.

Revision Week and List of Material Covered

  • Revision week (Grades 4-12) will start from Sunday, 13th December 2020 until Thursday, 17th December 2020. This week is an opportunity for the teachers and students to have ample time to go through the revision materials, review key concepts and prepare students how to answer questions online through our E-Learning Platform (i.e., Schoology LMS);
  • No new content will be introduced during the revision week (i.e., week 16);

Online Learning Platform and Final Exam Folder

  • As per MOE directives, all students are required to take the First Semester E-Exam in ALL subjects, except PE and ART, and the assessment marks will be recorded;
  • All students will sign in to Schoology and click on the subject folder to see the First Semester Exam Folder. In this folder, the students will see the following information:
    • Exam Paper LINK
    • Exam Zoom Link
    • Exam Instructions

Please review the following procedures with your child/children:

  1. All students will join the E-Learning Platform session via a Zoom LINK in Schoology to complete their E-exams.
    1. Students are required to use their full name in English and student number.
  2. Students need to be in the Zoom session at least 15 minutes before the start of the E-Exam and be prepared with all the necessary materials (paper, pencil, eraser, calculator, scratch paper, water, tissues, etc.).
  3. All students (4-12) should sit for their E-Exam in an environment that is suitable for exam conditions. There should not be any other person in the room with them. Students are required to keep their cameras off throughout the entire exam period.
  4. Students must avoid switching on their mics or using the chat feature, except in extenuating circumstances and unless/until they get permission from their invigilator.
  5. Students should review their answers before submitting the exam.
  6. Once the students submit their exams (answered questions), they will NOT be given another opportunity to redo the E-Exam, unless they have a valid/genuine excuse such as a medical condition or experience circumstances beyond their control. In such extenuating cases, they must inform the invigilator or contact the Principal/Deputy Principal responsible for their section immediately (within 15 minutes of the problem occurring).
  7. E-Exams are timed so all students need to adhere to the exam timings.
  8. Students are responsible for doing their own work during the test and for protecting their answers from being seen by others. If students are caught cheating during the exam period, their exams will be invalidated.
  9. Please note that the E-exam results will not be published immediately after they are submitted. The results will appear in the end-of-semester evaluation report card.
  10. If you have any questions related to Schoology LMS Administration, please contact our IT Manager, Mr. Tariq Zeyad at 0535129909 or Mrs. Tahnai at 0559627922.
  11. The School will commence after the Mid-Year Vacation on Sunday, 17th of January 2021,
  12. Please check the school’s website for any updates.


When Allah Is Near, Success Is Clear…

AIS Management

Al-Rowad International Schools