End of First Semester Examination Policy 2021/2022

Boys & Girls Section

Dear parents and students,

Assalamu Alaikom                 

Online Examination Policy

  1. Students are required to join the Zoom session in the way they are accustomed to – i.e. via the Zoom LINK in Schoology.
    • They sign in using their full names (in English) and their ID numbers.
  2. If a student is absent from the E-exam (or is expected to be) for a legitimate reason, kindly inform the school in writing (accompanied by any official medical reports).
  3. Students need to adhere to the time given by the invigilator.
  4. Punctuality is essential; if a student starts the exam late (within 20 minutes of the start time), no extra time will be granted.
  5. No student will be allowed to enter the E-exam (on Schoology) after 20 minutes has elapsed from the start time.
  6. Students need to be in the Zoom session at least 15 minutes before the start of the E-Exam.
  7. It is important to keep their equipment ready and next to them, such as paper, pencil, eraser, calculator, scratch paper, water, etc.
  8. All students grades (4-12) are expected to sit their E-Exams under exam conditions; there should not be any other person or exam material in the room with them. Grade 3 students, however, may have an adult next to them to help them get ready for the e-exam and assist them with technical support.
  9. Students are required to keep their cameras off throughout the entire exam period.
  10. Students must totally avoid switching on their microphones or using the chat feature except in extenuating circumstances and unless/until they get permission from their invigilator. If students have a question, they have to raise their hands and wait for permission to type a private message in the chat box to the invigilator.
  11. Students should review their answers before submission.
  12. Once a student submits his/her exam (answered questions), he/she will NOT be given another opportunity to re-do the E-Examunless he/she has a valid/genuine excuse such as a technical problem/medical condition or experience circumstances beyond his control. In such extenuating cases, he/she must inform the invigilator or contact the Principal/Deputy Principal who is responsible for the section immediately (within 15 minutes of the problem occurring).
  13. Once the exam committee approves the case, the student will be given another opportunity to re-take the exam (a different version). The date and times will be announced.
  14. The student is responsible for doing his/her own work during the exam and concealing his/her answers from others. If a student is caught cheating, his/her exam will be invalidated as per the ministry of Education’s rules and regulations on cheating. For example:
  15. If any student shares his/her answers or the exam questions with other student(s) on social media or in any form or picture, he/she will receive a zero mark in the E-Exam.
  16. Students may leave the E-Exam session after getting permission from their invigilator.
  17. Please note that the E-exam results will not be published immediately after they are submitted. The results will appear in the end-of-semester evaluation report card.
  18. Students must respect and obey all rules and regulation of the final E-exams.
  19. Integrity Statement:

Academic Integrity means honesty and responsibility when taking an assessment. I agree to complete my own work to the best of my ability without any outside support.


  1. Students are not allowed to be absent from any exam without valid reason or family emergency.
  2. Exams are scheduled to start at 7:30 am and students are required to enter the examination rooms on time.
  3. Students are not allowed to enter the exam room 20 minutes after the start of examination.
  4. Students are not allowed to speak to one another during the examination time and must keep quiet.
  5. Students should bring the needed materials for the exam, and it will not be allowed to borrow any stationary from other candidates.
  6. Students should fill in the details on the cover sheet of the exam (full name and seat number).
  7. Use only blue ink pens to answer, no pencil or correction pen are permitted.
  8. You are not allowed to use the calculator in the exams that you are not allow you to use.
  9. You must not have in your possession any book, paper, equipment or devices which might give you an unfair advantage such as mobile phone.
  10. Do not continue to write after the exam time has finished.
  11. Remain at your desk when you finish your exam until your exam paper is collected.
  12. Students must leave the school after the exam, and shouldn’t wait outside.
  13. Students must respect and obey all the rules and regulation the exams.

Your cooperation is highly appreciated.

We wish you success and bright future.

Al-Rowad International Schools