Our COVID19 Protocols

Dear Parent/Guardian


Our students’ health and well-being are of the utmost concern to us, and rest assured, we strictly apply MOE and MOH protocols and guidance in dealing with cases or suspected cases, while asking Allah to keep everyone safe and healthy.

What follows is a description of some of those protocols:

  1. School management is constantly monitoring student and staff data via Tawakkalna to identify confirmed cases.  In addition, we ask all parents/guardians and staff to inform us immediately should they or their children/wards test positive and to provide copies of the positive test.
  2. If a student is reported to be COVID positive, he/she remains in quarantine in accordance with the timing prescribed by the MOH and continues to attend school online for the period of the quarantine.  He/she will return to school once his/her status returns to immune.
  3. Students or staff members who have been in contact with a confirmed case but do not show any symptoms are not considered suspected cases and attend school as normal.
  4. Suspected cases found during school hours will be transferred to a comfortable isolation room.  Their parents/ guardians will be contacted to collect their child/ward and take them home.
  5. In the situation where there are three or more confirmed cases in a given class, the entire class will be transferred to online schooling for a period specified between 2 to 5 days, after which they will return to school.

May Allah keep us all safe and we appreciate your continued understanding and support.

Al-Rowad International Schools