Boys Section Contacts

Contact us at 0112813003, then enter the extension. For faxes, dial 0114812300.

Name Title Mobile Email Extension *
Abdulaziz bin Aly Al-Sabi General Manager 0505226246 [email protected] 228
Faruq Al-Harah General Deputy 0536217475 [email protected] 232
Saad Essa Mohammed General Directors’ Office Manager 0556587586 [email protected] 202
Jamal Saeed Administrative Manager 0534008729 [email protected] 210
Ahmed Dabess Deputy Principal (Lower Grades) 0578622560 [email protected] 230
Bajis Abu Hassan Deputy Principal (Middle Grades) 0590197462 [email protected] 306
Wajeeh Sarie Al-Kailani Deputy Principal (SAT) 0506795815 [email protected] 303
Saleh Zakaria Saleh Deputy Principal (ISCSE) 0559948830 [email protected] 444
Ahmed Idris Al Jabarty Front Desk 0557570702 [email protected] 200
El-Mardhi Yagoub Al-Noor Front Desk 0533041593 [email protected] 384
Hisham Bakr Head of Student Affairs, Examination and Registration 0500724857 [email protected] 296
Mohamed Zedan Revenues Department 0509438487 [email protected] 211
Tareq Ziyad IT Manager 0535129909 [email protected] 353



Al-Rowad International Schools