AIS Re-Accredited for 5-years

This April 2017, AdvancED conducted an external review on Al-Rowad Internatinoal Schools for accreditation purposes. After a strict process of monitoring, evaluation and review, AIS is re-accredited by AdvancED for five years. Furthermore, our school passed the test with flying colors scoring 330.51 in the Index of Educational Quality (IEQ) while the worldwide average is 278.94. AIS is recognized as one of the best school education providers in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East.

AdvancED is one of the leading accreditation agencies in the world. It conducts rigorous, on-site external reviews of Pre-K-12 schools to ensure that all learners realize their full potential. It serves as a trusted partner to 34,000 schools and school systems – —employing more than four million educators and enrolling more than 20 million students—across the United States and 70 other nations.

The external review team was comprised of ten evaluators. They were impressed by the level of commitment to excellence and quality education standards adopted by AIS. “I believe that this school has the capacity to be a model for schools throughout Saudi Arabia, and also to the Middle East and internationally. What you do in the next five years will tell the tale. I’m confident that in no way you will slow down in your efforts and consistent pursuit of excellence.”, said Mr. Robert Brinton, Lead Evaluator.

IEQ Results

External Review IEQ Score

AE Network Average

Overall Score



Teaching and Learning Impact



Leadership Capacity



Resource Utilization




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Mr. Robert Brinton, Lead Evaluator

Al-Rowad International Schools